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Order Adopting Stipulation (01-00219, et al) (Issued November 2, 2012)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (75-10117) (Issued November 12, 2014)
Supreme Court Order / Opinion (00-91017) (Issued August 6, 2014)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (63-33732 et al.) (Issued September 1, 2016)
Order of Partial Decree on Uncontested Federal Water Right Claims (51-13089 et al.) (Issued September 29, 2016)
Order Approving Stipulation and Entry of Partial Decrees (51-13089 et al.) (Issued September 29, 2016)
Order Closing Claims Taking Basins 01, 02, 03, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 45, 47, and 63, and Disallowal of Unclaimed Water Rights (00-39576) (Issued February 13, 2013)
Order Granting Joint Motion to Include Subordination Remark on Water Right 27-11375 and Certain Blackfoot Natural Flow Water Rights (27-11375) (Issued August 9, 2013)
Order Granting Joint Motion to Include Subordination Remark on Water Right 27-2162, 27-2050 and 27-2053 (27-11375) (Issued August 9, 2013)
Order Granting Joint Motion to Approve Blackfoot Equitable Adjustment Settlement Agreement (27-11375) (Issued August 9, 2013)
Order Amending in Part Partial Final Consent Decree Determining the Rights of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes to the Use of Water in the Upper Snake River Basin (27-11375) (Issued August 9, 2013)
Order of Amended Partial Decrees (27-11375) (Issued August 9, 2013)
Memorandum Decision (00-91017) (Issued March 20, 2013)
Order Granting Motion to Strike Affidavit of Shelley M Davis (00-91017) (Issued March 20, 2013)
Order Adopting Special Master's Recommendation in Part and Rejecting in Part; Order Denying Motion to File Late Notice of Claim for Early and Late Season Irrigation; Order Conditionally Granting Motion to File Late Notice of Claim for Stockwater; Order Requiring Amended Notice of Claim (65-23481) (Issued February 27, 2013)
Order Denying Motion to Alter of Amend and Order Denying Request for Rule 11(a)(1) Sanctions (00-92002GP) (Issued January 22, 2013)
Order Denying Motion to Alter or Amend (02-00200) (Issued January 22, 2013)
Order Granting Motions for Order of Interim Administration of Water Rights in a Portion of Basin 29 (Bannock Creek Drainage) / Order Denying Request to Compel Director to Act (00-92021-29) (Issued December 19, 2012)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (02-00200) (Issued November 20, 2012)
Final Order Disallowing Water Right Claim (02-00200) (Issued November 20, 2012)
Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 02 (00-92002GP) (Issued November 20, 2012)
Order Designating Basin-Wide Issue (00-91017) (Issued September 21, 2012)
Order Governing Procedures in the SRBA for Adjudication of Deferred De Minimis Domestic and Stock Water Claims (00-39576) (Issued June 28, 2012)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge in the Matter of the Final Unified Decree (00-92099) (Issued June 28, 2012)
Order Denying Request for Attorney's Fees and Costs (37-21112) (Issued May 4, 2012)
Order Re: Proposed Rules of Procedure (Main Case 00-49576) (Issued March 22, 2012)
Order of Disallowal of Unclaimed Water Rights in Basin 27 (Main Case 00-39576) (Issued February 29, 2012)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (74-15051, et al. ("High Flow" Claims)) (Issued January 3, 2012)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Motion to Alter or Amend Judgment; Order Granting Motion to Strike (02-2318A (Wilkerson)) (Issued October 31, 2011)
Amended Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge and Order of Partial Decree (02-2318A (Wilkerson)) (Issued October 31, 2011)
Order Establishing Deadline for Late Claim Filings in Basins 23, 24, 25, 43, 51, 55, 57, 61, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, and 86 (00-92099) (Issued September 23, 2011)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Administration of Decreed Surface Water Rights in Basin 02 (00-92021-02) (Issued September 12, 2011)
Order on Request for Attorney's Fees, Sanctions and Costs (45-10507) (Bedke) (Issued September 8, 2011)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge and Order of Partial Decree (Subcase 02-2318A) (Issued August 29, 2011)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Motion to Alter or Amend Judgment, I.R.C.P. 59(e) (Subcase 01-217 et al (Minidoka Power Rights); 01-2068 (Palisades Power Rights) (Issued May 17, 2011)
Order on State of Idaho's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Issue No. 2 (Subcase 00-91013) (Basin-Wide Issue 13) (Issued July 12, 2011)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Motion to Strike Afidvaits and Motion for Accounting (Subcase 27-11375) (Issued July 14, 2011)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Subcases 01-23B et al (Aberdeen-Springfield Canal Co.)) (Issued Apr 4, 2011)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Subcases 01-217 et al (Minidoka Power Rights; 01-2068 (Palisades Power Rights) (Issued Feb 9, 2011)
Memorandum Opinion on Commencement of Adjudication (Subcase 00-30576 (Issued Oct 15, 1987)
Order on Permissive Review Granting Motion to Set Aside Partial Decrees and Order of Recommitment to Special Master (Subcases 79-02063, 79-02094, 79-04001 (Issued June 10, 2010)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration of Water Rights in Basin 75 Subject to Exclusion of Certain Water Rights (Subcase 00-92021-75 (Interim Administration)) (Issued May 25, 2010)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration of Water Rights in Basin 73 (Subcase 00-92021-73 (Interim Administration)) (Issued May 21, 2010)
Order Granting Motion for Reconsideration as to Alternative Relief (Post-Decree Priority) (Subcases 72-16779 et al) (Issued May 6, 2010)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Subcase No. 63-32533) (Issued Apr 21, 2010)
Order on Motion to Alter or Amend (Subcase No. 29-00271, et al.) (Issued Apr 12, 2010)
Order Dismissing Complaint and Petition for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (Subcase No. 00-92023, et al.) (Issued Mar 30, 2010)
Order Denying Motion to Designate Basin-Wide Issue (Basin-Wide Issue 00-91015) (Issued March 1, 2010)
Order on Motions for Recondiseration; Order Consolidating Issue with Basin-Wide Issue 13; Order Partially Decreeing Elements of Water Rights; Order Dismissing Complaint and Petition for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (Subcase No. 00-92023, et al.) (Issued Mar 25, 2010)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Subcase No. 63-07539) (Issued Sept 2, 2009)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration as to Surface and Storage Water Rights in Basin 27 (Subcase No. 00-92021-27) (Issued Aug 21, 2009)
Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 37 Part 2 (Subcase No. 00-92037G2) (Issued Apr 20, 2009)
Memorandum Decision and Order of Partial Decree (Subcase No. 63-03614) (Issued Feb 25, 2009)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Subcase No. 78-00206A) (Issued Feb 23, 2009)
Consent Decree Re: Aesthetic, Recreation, and Wildlife (ARW) Purposes of Use (Basin-Wide Issue No. 00-91914) (Issued Feb 20, 2009)
Order Conditionally Granting Motion to File Late Notice of Claim; Order Requiring Filing of Amended Claim; Order Requesting Amended Director's Report if Amended Claim is Filed (Subcase No. 74-15015 & 74-15861) (Issued Jan 12, 2009)
Order of Recommitment to Special Master for Specific Findings (Subcase No. 74-50A, et al.) (Issued Jan 12, 2009)
Order of Partial Decrees for Water Rights 74-250, 74-735, 74-739, 74-741 & 74-7147; Order Disallowing Water Rights 74-741A & 74-741B (Subcase No. 74-250, et al.) (Issued Jan 12, 2009)
Order Denying Motion to Reconsider and Denying Motion to Strike (Subcase No. 45-13792 & 45-13793) (Issued Dec 15, 2008)
Memorandum Decision and Order of Challenge (Subcase No. 45-13792 & 45-13793) (Issued Oct 30, 2008)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment Re: Bureau of Reclamation Streamflow Maintenance Claim (Subcase 63-03618 Lucky Peak Reservoir) (Issued September 23, 2008)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge on Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment (Subcase No. 00-92023) (Issued Apr 18, 2008)
Order Separating and Consolidating Common Issue From Subcases in "Exhibit A" on Remark Regarding Subordination of Hydropower Rights Based on "Historical Practices"; Order Designating Matter as Consolidated Subcase 92-26; Order Rescinding Order of Reference to Special Masters as to Consolidated Issue; Order on Subcases Where All Objections Have been Resolved; Notice of Scheduling Conference on Consolidated Issue (Consolidated Subcase 92-26) (Issued October 22, 2007)
Order Granting in Part, Denying in Part Motion to Dismiss; Consolidating Common Issues Into Consolidated Subcase; and Permitting Discovery Pending Objection Period in Basin 02; and Notice of Scheduling Conference (Consolidated Subcases 92-23) (Issued July 24,2007)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment (Consolidated Subcase 92-23) (Issued April 18, 2007)
Revised Consent Decree Approving Entry of Partial Decrees Determining the Rights of the United States as Trustee for the Benefit of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes to the Use of Water in the Snake River Basin Within Idaho (Subcases 51-12767 et al (Decreed Rights) 51-12756 et al (disallowed Claims) 51-02002 et al (dismissal of objections)) (Issued December 12, 2006)
Order Dismissing With Prejudice the United States' Objections in Accordance with the Revised Consent Decree Approving Entry of Partial Decrees Determining the Rights of the United States as Trustee for the Benefit of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes to the Use of Water in the Snake River Basin Within Idaho (Subcases 51-02002 et al) (Issued December 12, 2006)
Final Order Disallowing Water Right Claims in Accordance With the Revised Consent Decree Approving Entry of Partial Decrees Determining the Rights of the United States as Trustee for the Benefit of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes to the Use of Water in the Snake River Basin Within Idaho (Subcases 51-12756 et al) (Issued December 12, 2006)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge and Order Disallowing Water Right Based on Federal Law (Subcase No. 29-11609) (Issued Oct 6, 2006)
Memorandum Decision and Order Dismissing Objections in Part With Prejudice and in Part Without Prejudice (Consolidated Subcase No. 92-80 Nez Perce Tribe Multiple-Use Claims) (Issued September 5, 2006)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Consolidated Subcase No. 67-13701) (Nez Perce Tribe and United States "Springs or Fountains" Claims) (Issued July 28, 2006)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration of Water Rights in Basin 22 Part 1 Groundwater (Subcase No. 00-92021-22 Part 1 GW) (Issued May 25, 2006)
Amended Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration of Water Rights in Basin 21 (Subcase No. 00-92021-21) (Issued May 25, 2006)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration of Water Rights in Basin 74 (Subcase No. 00-92021-74) (Issued May 5, 2006)
Amended Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration of Water Rights in Basin 21 (Subcase No. 00-92021-21) (Issued May 5, 2006)
Memorandum Decision and Order RE: Attorneys' Fees (Subcases 55-10135, 55-11061, 55-11385, 55-12452 (Joyce Livestock)) (Issued February 3, 2006)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge and Order of Further Proceeedings in Related subcase 41-8B (Subcases 41-00008C (Taysom), 41-00008D (Weston) and 41-00008F (7UD Ranches) (Issued February 2, 2006)
Order Dismissing Objections With Prejudice; Order Setting Briefing Schedule; Order on Hearing on Motion to Dismiss; Order on Court's Certificate of Mailing (Consolidated Subcase 92-00080) (Issued January 24, 2006)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration for Basin 37 Part 1 Surface Water (Subcase No. 00-92021-37) (Issued Dec 13, 2005)
Order Denying Motion for Expedited Hearing on Motion for Interim Administration (Subcase 92-00021-27 Interim Administration) (Issued December 13, 2005)
Order on Motion to Enforce Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Interim Administration (Subcase: 00-92021) (Issued Nov 17, 2005)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration of Water Rights in Basins 71 & 72 (Subcase No. 00-92021-71) (Issued Sept 29, 2005)
Order Denying Motion to Disclose Without Prejudice (Consolidated Subcase 03-10022 Nez Perce Instream Flow Claims) (Issued August 22, 2005)
>Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Subcases 55-10135 (Joyce), 55-11061, 55-11385, 55-12452 (BLM) (Issued August 3, 2005)
Scheduling Order and Notices of Hearing, Re: Implementation of Nez Perce Settlement Agreement (Consolidated Subcase 03-10022 Nez Perce Instream Flow Claims; Consolidated Subcase 67-13701 Nez Perce Springs or Fountains Claims; Subcases 71-10866 et al State Minimum Stream Flow Claims; Consolidated Subcase 92-80 Nez Perce Multiple Use Claims) (Issued August 3, 2005)
Order on Permissive Review and Order of Recommitment (subcases 45-12475 et al)(Bedke late objection)(Issued 8/2/2005)
Memorandum Decision and Order Re Attorneys' Fees (subcases 55-10288B et al LU Ranching Co.)(Issued 8/2/2005)
Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 41 (Issued 7/28/2005)
Partial Decree Pursuant to I.R.C.P. 54(b) for General Provisions in Basin 41 (Issued 7/28/2005)
Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 33 (Issued 7/27/2005)
Partial Decree Pursuant to I.R.C.P. 54(b) for General Provisions in Basin 33 (Issued 7/27/2005)
Order Granting Motions to File Late Notices of Claim (State-based Claims for Idaho Water Resources Board (Issued 7/27/2005)
Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 72 (Issued 7/27/2005)
Partial Decree Pursuant to I.R.C.P. 54(b) for General Provisions in Basin 72 (Issued 7/27/2005)
Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 71 (Issued 7/27/2005)
Partial Decree Pursuant to I.R.C.P. 54(b) for General Provisions in Basin 71 (Issued 7/27/2005)
Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 61 (Issued 7/26/2005)
Partial Decree Pursuant to I.R.C.P. 54(b) for General Provisions in Basin 61 (Issued 7/26/2005)
Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 55 (Issued 7/26/2005)
Partial Decree Pursuant to I.R.C.P. 54(b) for General Provisions in Basin 55 (Issued 7/26/2005)
Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 43 (Issued 7/22/2005)
Partial Decree Pursuant to I.R.C.P. 54(b) for General Provisions in Basin 43 (Issued 7/22/2005)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration of Water Rights in Basin 45 (Subcase No. 00-92021-45) (Issued July 21, 2005)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration of Water Rights in Basin 25 (Subcase No. 00-92021-25) (Issued July 21, 2005)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration of Water Rights in Basins 31, 32 & 33 (Subcase No. 00-92021-31) (Issued July 21, 2005)
Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 23 (Issued 7/14/2005)
Partial Decree Pursuant to I.R.C.P. 54(b) for General Provisions in Basin 23 (Issued 7/14/2005)
Order of partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 31 (Issued 7/14/2005)
Partial Decree Pursuant to I.R.C.P. 54(b) for General Provisions in Basin 31 (Issued 7/14/2005)
Notice of Intent to Issue Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 65 (Issued 7/7/2005)
-- Exhibit A: Proposed Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 65
-- Exhibit B: Proposed Decree Pursuant to I.R.C.P. 54(b) for General Provisions in Basin 65
-- Amended Exhibit B: Proposed Decree Pursuant to I.R.C.P. 54(b) for General Provisions in Basin 65
Order on LU Ranching Co.'s Motion for Reconsideration (Subcases 55-10288B, 55-10289B, 55-10290B,55-10292B, 55-10293B, 55-10295, 55-10296, 55-10297B, 55-10298, 55-10299B, 55-10300, 55-10301B, 55-10303B, and 55-13451 et al. (Issued 5/2/2005)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge; Order of Recommitment (Subcases 47-16433 et al. (Filing of Late Objections)(Issued 3/22/2005)
Order on Motion for Reconsideration and Order Modifying Court's January 14, 2005, Final Order (Consolidated Subcase 91-63 (Ownership of Water Rights Between Irrigation Entities and Bureau of Reclamation in Basin 63)(Issued 3/3/2005)
Final Order on Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment (Consolidated Subcase 91-63 (Ownership of Water Rights Between Irrigation Entities and Bureau of Reclamation in Basin 63)(Issued 1/14/2005)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Subcases 55-10288B, 55-10289B, 55-10290B, 55-10292B, 55-10293B, 55-10295, 55-10296, 55-10297B, 55-10298, 55-10299B, 55-10300, 55-10301B, 55-10303B, and 55-13451 (LU Ranches)(Issued 01/3/2005)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge and Order of Partial Decrees (subcases 25-13635, 25-13637, 25-13653, 65-19960 and 65-19962 (PWR 107)(Issued 10/5/2004)
Challenge Scheduling Order (55-10135, 55-11061, 55-11385 and 55-12452) (Issued 9/2/2004)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment and Notice of Status Conference (91-63 Ownership of Water Rights Between Irrigation Entities and Bureau of Reclamation) (Issued 9/2/2004)
Scheduling Order (79-13597 Hell's Canyon National Recreation Area claims) (Issued 8/25/2004)
Scheduling Order (75-13316 Wild & Scenic River claims) (Issued 8/25/2004)
Order Designating Basin-Wide Issue 13 -- Re: To What Extent, if any, Should the Swan Falls Agreement be Addressed in the SRBA or Memorialized in a Decree? (Basin-Wide Issue 91-13) (Issued 8/23/2004)
Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Basin 31 Regarding Obstructions in Camas Creek and Tributaries (Subcases 92-31)(Issued 2/20/2004)
Order Conditionally Granting Motion to Set Aside Partial Decrees (Subcases 37-07454 and 37-07602, Hubsmith)(Issued 12/3/2003)
Order Granting Participation to Gene E. Bray, et al; City of Boise; and State of Idaho; and Order Denying Motion to Conduct Limited Discovery; and Order Modifying July 25, 2003 Scheduling Order (91-63, Ownership as Between BOR and Irrigation Entities)(Issued 11/4/2003)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration of Water Rights in a Portion of Administrative Basin 29 (Subcase No. 00-92021-29) (Issued Oct 31, 2003)
Memorandum Decision and Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration (A&B Irrigation District, Subcases 36-02080 et al.)(Issued 7/25/2003)
Scheduling Order(Consolidated Subcase 91-63)(Ownership dispute between Irrigation Entities and the BOR in Basin 63) (Issued July 25, 2003)
Order Amending SRBA Administrative Order 1 Rules of Procedure (Amended 10/16/97) (Change overnight/messenger address for US service)(Issued June 30,2003)
Exhibit A to Order Separating and Consolidating Common Issue (Consolidated Subcase 91-63)(Ownership dispute between Irrigation Entities and the BOR in Basin 63)(Issued June 23,2003)
Order Separating and Consolidating Common Issue From Subcases in "Exhibit A"; AO1 Sec. 11 and 16, IRCP 42; Order Rescinding Order of Reference to Special Master as to Consolidated Issue; Order Designating Issue as Subcase 91-63; Notice of Scheduling and Status Conference on Consolidated Issue (Consolidated Subcase 91-63)(Ownership dispute between Irrigation Entities and the BOR in Basin 63)(Issued 6/23/2003)
Letter to Francis McGovern (Nez Perce claims, Consolidated Subcase 03-10022)(ending mediation efforst as of June 2, 2003) (Issued May 7, 2003)
Order on Challenge (A & B Irrigation District, Subcases 36-2080 et al) (Special Master Affirmed) (Issued April 25, 2003)
Order Re: Uncontested Portions of the Director's Report for Reporting Area 16, Basin 37, Part 1 (Issued December 11, 2002)
Order Separating and Consolidating Common Issue From Subcases; AO1 sec 11 and 16, I.R.C.P. 42; Order For More Definite Statement; and Notice of Hearing on Whether to Designate as Basin-wide Issue and Scheduling (37-2499 et al; Basin 37 Groundwater Rights)(Issued 11/26/2002)
Order on Motion to Participate/Intervene, AO1 10k, I.R.C.P. 24(a) & (b); Order on Motion to Dismiss Objections to Amended Claims, I.R.C.P. 12(b)(6) (Consolidated Subcase 75-13316 Wild & Scenic Rivers Claims)(Issued 7/29/2002)
Order Dismissing With Predjudice Shoshone-Bannock Tribes' Instream Flow Claims, I.R.C.P. 41(a)(2) (Consolidated Subcase 03-10080 Shoshone Bannock Tribes) (Issued May 20, 2002)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge; and Order of Partial Decree (Wood v. Troutt, Subcase 65-05663B)(Issued May 9, 2002)
Partial Decree for Connected Sources in Basin 36 (Conjunctive Management General Provision)(Issued February 27, 2002)
Order of Partial Decree for Connected Sources in Basin 36 (Issued February 27, 2002)
Partial Decree for Connected Sources in Basin 57 (Conjunctive Management General Provision)(Issued February 27, 2002)
Order of Partial Decree for Connected Sources in Basin 57 (Issued February 27, 2002)
Exhibit A to Connected Sources General Provision (Subcase 91-00005)(Issued February 27, 2002)
Connected Sources General Provision; Memorandum Decision and Order of Partial Decree (Subcase 91-00005)(Issued February 27, 2002)
Order on United States' Motion for Clarification (Second Order Re: Order to Show Cause) (Subcase 91-00005)(Issued February 27, 2002)
Administrative Order 14, Admission Pro Hac Vice in the Snake River Basin Adjudication (Issued January 22, 2002)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration (In Basins 35, 36, 41 & 43) (Subcase No. 00-92021-35) (Issued Jan 8, 2002)
Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Interim Administration (Subcase 92-00021) (Issued January 8, 2002)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Scope of PWR 107 Reserved Rights); Order of Recommitment to Special Master Cushman Consolidated Subcases 23-10872 et al., Joint Submission Subcases 23-10894 et al. (Issued 12/28/2001)
First Order Re: Order to Show Cause (Subcase 91-00005 Connected Sources General Provision: previously designated as "Conjunctive Management")(Issued December 19, 2001)
Order Setting Hearings on State of Idaho's Motion for Order of Interim Administration and Motion for Order Expediting Hearing; I.C. 42-1417, AO1 6f(2)(Subcase 92-00021)(Issued November 19, 2001)
Order Denying Motion to Dismiss For Failure to Pay Filing Fees(Subcase 03-10080 (Shoshone-Bannock Tribes)(Issued November 1, 2001)
Subcase 91-00005 Basin Wide Issue 5: Order to Show Cause Why General Provision Should Not Be Partially Decree In Accordance With Stipulation of the Parties (Issued August 30, 2001)
Order Vacating Discovery and Pretrial Motion Deadline (Rescheduled for September 12, 2001)(Issued August 17, 2001)
Order on Motion for Reconsideration; IRCP 59(e) (motion denied) (Subcases 65-07267 et al, A.L. Cattle)(Issued July 27, 2001)
Order on Motion to File Late Notice of Claim (late claim denied)(Issued July 24, 2001)
Order on Cross Motion for Summary Judgment: Order on Motion to Strike Affidavits (summary judgment denied) (Subcase 91-00005 Basin-Wide Issue 5)(Issued July 2, 2001)
Administrative Order 13 Appeals in the Snake River Basin Adjudication (contents of record) (Issued June 25, 2001)
Order Requiring Parties to Participate in Settlement Conference Proceedings (Mediation); Order Appointing Mediator; I.R.C.P. 16(k); A01 sec 12 (Subcase 75-13316) (Wild & Scenic Rivers Claims)(Issued May 23, 2001)
Order Requiring Parties to Participate in Settlement Conference Proceedings (Mediation); Order Appointing Mediator; I.R.C.P. 16(k); A01 sec 12 (Subcase 79-13597) (Hells Canyon National Recrecation Area Quantification Proceedings)(Issued 5/23/2001)
Order of Partial Decree for General Provisions in Administrative Basin 34 (Subcase 91-00005-34)(Basin-Wide Issue 5, Basin 34)(Issued May 8, 2001)
Order dismissing Objections to Irrigation Season of Use (Subcase 91-00005-34)(Basin-Wide Issue 5, Basin 34)(Issued May 8, 2001)
Certification Subcase 55-02373 et al (LU Ranching, 54B cert) (Issued May 2, 2001)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Motion to Set Aside subcase 55-02373 et al (LU Ranching)(Issued May 1, 2001)
Order Denying Motion to Participate; Order Allowing Amicus Curiae Participation on Legal Issues (Wild & Scenic Rivers Consolidated Subcase 75-13316 and Hell's Canyon NRA Subcase 79-13597)(Issued 4/23/2001)
Order Granting Motion to Withdraw (Root & Schindler for Hecla Minnig Company)(Issued April 12, 2001)
Order Granting Boise-Kuna Irrigation District, et al.'s Notice of Intent to Participate and Motion to Participate in Basin-Wide Isue 5(Issued April 12, 2001)
Order Granting Nampa & Meridian Irrigation District's Motion to Participate (Basin-Wide Issue 5)(Issued April 12, 2001)
Order of Correction Re: Order Disallowing Uncontested Federal Reserved Water Right Claims (Mountain Home AFB: 61-11783, 61-11784 and 61-11785)(Issued April 12, 2001)
Order Disallowing Uncontested Federal Reserved Water Right Claims (Mountain Home AFB: 61-11783, 61-11784 and 61-11785)(Federal Reserved Water Rights for Mountain Home AFB disallowed)(Issued 4/6/2001)
Attachment A to Order Disallowing Uncontested Federal Reserved Water Rights (Issued 4/6/2001)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge; Order of Recommitment to Special Master Cushman (Subcases 61-02248B and 61-07189; Magic West Inc. and Batruel Dairy)(Entered 3/28/2001)
Order Identifying Parties and Initial Case Management and Scheduling Order Setting Deadlines and Notice of Hearing of Status Conference (Consolidated Subcase 75-13316)(Wild & Scenic Rivers Claims)(Entered March 20, 2001)
Order Identifying Parties and Initial Case Management and Scheduling Order Setting Deadlines and Notice of Hearing of Status Conference (Consolidated Subcase 79-13597)(Hells Canyon National Recreation Area)(Entered March 20, 2001)
Order on Order to Show Cause Hearing Enforcing Settlement Agreement; and Order Staying Discovery and Trial Schedule on Basin-Wide Issue 5-34 (Subcase 91-00005-34)(Basin-Wide Issue 5-34)(Entered March 15, 2001)
Order Modifying Briefing Schedule and Resetting Oral Argument on Motion and Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment (Subcase 91-00005)(Basin-Wide Issue 5)(Entered March 7, 2001)
Order Denying Second Amended Objection to the Clerk's Record on Appeal and Reporter's Transcript (Subcase 36-00077D)(Gisler)(Entered March 5, 2001)
Order on Motion to Set Aside Partial Decrees and File Late Objections; Order of Reference to Special Master Cushman (Subcases 65-07267 et al.)(A.L. Cattle)(Entered January 31, 2001)
Amended Order Setting Trial Date, Final Pre-Trial Conference, Discovery Deadlines, and Pre-Trial Motions and Briefing Schedule for Basin-Wide Issue 5 (Conjunctive Management General Provision) - IRCP 16 (Subcase 91-00005)(Entered January 29, 2001)
Amended Order Setting Trial Date, Final Pre-Trial Conference, Discovery Deadlines, and Pre-Trial Motions for Basin-Wide Issues 5-34 (General Provisions Unique to Basin 34), Including Remaining Issue on General Provision 5 "Separate Streams" and Objections to Irrigation Period of Use Provision - IRCP 16 (Basin-Wide Issue 5-34)(Entered January 26, 2001)
Order Setting Mandatory Settlement Conference (Basin-Wide Issue 5-34)(Entered January 8, 2001)
Order Setting Oral Argument (subcases 61-02248B and 61-07189, Batruel Dairy Challenge)(Entered January 5, 2001)
Order Modifying Briefing and Hearing Schedule (Consolidated subcase 03-10080 Shoshone Bannock Tribes)(Entered January 5, 2001)
Order Denying Joint Motion to Consolidate Subcases, Vacate Order of Reference to Special Master Dolan and Stay Related Subcases (Subcases 47-04514 et al)(Entered January 3, 2001)
Final Order (on Remittitur) Disallowing Wilderness Act Water Right Claims (Consolidated Subcase 75-13605)(Entered December 21, 2000)
Notice of Status/Scheduling Conference on Hells Canyon National Recreation Area Claims - Re: Quantification Issue (Subcase 79-13597)(Entered December 21, 2000)
Judgment for Costs to Appellant (Entered December 21, 2000)
Notice of Status/Scheduling Conference on Wild and Scenic Rivers Claims -- Re: Quantification Issue (Consolidated subcase 75-13316)(Entered December 21, 2000)
Notice of Status/Scheduling Conference (Sagewillow Inc v IDWR)(Entered December 21, 2000)
Notice Resetting Hearing on Motion to Strike Affidavits and Resetting Oral Argument on Challenge (PWR 107 claims, 23-10894 et al)(Entered December 18, 2000)
Order Requesting Available Dates for Mandatory Settlement Conference; Order Setting Status and Scheduling Conference (Basin-Wide Issue 5-34)(Entered December 11, 2000)
Order Setting Status And Scheduling Conference (Basin-Wide Issue 5)(Entered December 6, 2000)
Order Denying Motion to Participate and Setting Deadline for Amicus Curiae Briefs (Subcases 61-11783, 61-011784 & 61-11785)(Entered November 24, 2000)
Disclosure of Honorable Roger S. Burdick (Entered November 2, 2000)
Order Setting Hearing on Motion to Dismiss and to Consolidate (Payette River Adjudication)(Entered October 11, 2000)
Order Staying Proceedings Until Further Order of the Court: Order and Notice of Status Conference (Subcases 94-00015)(Entered October 11, 2000)
Order Dismissing With Prejudice the Federal Instream Flow Claims for "Channel Maintenance" Made Pursuant to the Organic Act, Consolidated Subcase No. 63-25243; I.R.C.P. 41(a)(1) (Consolidated Subcase 63-25243 - Organic Act Channel Maintenance Claims)(Issued September 18, 2000)
Court's Notice of Intent to Issue Order as Proposed (Consolidated Subcase 63-25243 - Organic Act Channel Maintenance Claims)(Issued September 1, 2000)
Notice of Informational Meeting and Status Conference Re: Issues Involved in Stockwater Claims on Federal Public Land (Issued August 30, 2000)
Order Consolidating Irrigation Period of Use Provision Issue for Basin 34 with Basin-Wide Issues Unique to Basin 34; and Order Requesting Explanatory Supplemental Director's Report ("706 Report"), I.R.E. 703, 705, 706, I.C. § 42-1412(4) (Subcase No. 91-00005-34 Basin-Wide Issue, Basin 34 -- Season of Use)(Issued August 28, 2000)
Order Granting Nez Perce Tribe's Motion for Permission to Appeal, Order Denying Stay of Proceedings Pending Acceptance by Supreme Court (Consolidated Subcase No. 67-13701 Nez Perce Springs & Fountains Claims)(Issued August 18, 2000)
Order on Motion to Alter or Amend Judgment or in the Alternative, Motion to Reconsider Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Clear Lakes v. Clear Springs / Separate Source)(Subcase Nos 36-02708 & 36-07218)(Issued August 15, 2000)
Order Denying Nez Perce Tribe's Motion to Disqualify Presiding Judge R. Barry Wood (Consolidated Subcase No. 67-13701 Nez Perce Springs & Fountains Claims)(Issued July 14, 2000)
Order Re: United States' Motion for Entry of an Order Re: Judicial Conduct; Order for Disclosure by Judicial Officers (Questions Regarding Alleged Conflicts of Interest) (Issued July 14, 2000)
Order on Challenge (Brown)(Subcase 36-00077D)(sprinkler v. flood)(Issued June 30, 2000)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Gisler)(Subcase 36-00035E)(sprinkler v. flood)(Issued June 30, 2000)
Order Dismissing Objection (Subcase 34-10400)(Issued June 30, 2000)
Order Appointing Robert E Bakes as Mediator: Basin-Wide Issues 5 on Remand (Conjunctive Management General Provisions)(Subcase 91-00005)(Issued June 29, 2000)
Order Requesting That IDWR Clarify Water Right Numbers Listed on Attachment "A" to Proposed General Provisions Contained in Part I of the Director's Report for Irrigation & Other Water Rights in Basin 65 (Issued June 23, 2000)
Amendment to Trial Scheduling Order - Basin-Wide Issue 5-34 (91-00005-34, 34-10635)(Issued June 23, 2000)
Order Re: Stipulation for Basin 34 General Provision No. 5 (Separate Streams) (91-00005-34)(Issued June 23, 2000)
Order Rescinding Appointing Professor Douglas L. Grant as Mediator: Basin-Wide Issue 5 on Remand (Conjunctive Management General Provisions)(Subcase 91-00005)(Issued June 20, 2000)
Order of Recommitment for Evidentiary Hearing I.C. Section 42-1411A (Subcases 25-13625, 25-13627, 25-13629, 25-13631, 25-13633, 25-13635, 25-13653, 25-13676, 25-13678, 25-13942)(Issued June 15, 2000)
Order for Mediation; Order Appointing Professor Douglas L. Grant as Mediator; and Order Re: Protective Order for Mediation; Basin-Wide Issue 5 on Remand (Conjunctive Management General Provisions)(91-00005)(Issued June 14, 2000)
Order Setting Hearing on Motion for Leave to File Late Objections (Basin 65 - Part I General Provisions)(Issued June 13, 2000)
Order Setting Status Conference Regarding Objections to Beginning and Ending Dates of Irrigation Period of Use for Basin 34 (91-00005-34)(Irrigation Period of Use Provision, Basin 34)(Issued June 13, 2000)
Order Setting Trial Date, Final Pre-Trial ... (General Provisions Unique to Basin 34) - I.R.C.P. 16 (91-00005-34)(Remaining General Provisions Unique to Basin 34)(Issued June 13, 2000)
Order Setting Trial Date, Final Pre-Trial ... (Conjunctive Management General Provision) and Order for Alternative Dispute Resolution - I.R.C.P. 16 (91-00005)(Basin-Wide Issue 5, Conjunctive Management General Provision)(Issued May 26, 2000)
Amendment to Order to Show Cause and Summons to Appear (91-00005-34)(Basin-Wide Issue, Basin 34)(Issued May 26, 2000)
Order to Show Cause and Summons to Appear (91-00005-34)(Basin-Wide Issue, Basin 34)(Issued May 25, 2000)
Order on Court's Motion to Correct Clerical Error Contained in Season of Use Provision, I.R.C.P. 60(a) (91-00005-34)(Basin-Wide Issue, Basin 34)(Issued May 25, 2000)
Order Rescinding April 28, 2000, Order Designating Subcase for Proposed General Provisions in Basin 65, Irrigation & Other, Part 1 (Subcase No. 65-99999-A)(General Provisions in Basin 65)(Issued May 12, 2000)
Order Vacating Partial Decrees and Recommitting Subcases to Special Master Dolan (Subcase Nos. 36-07004 & 36-02659, Clear Lakes Trout Co., Inc.)(Issued May 9, 2000)
Notice of Scheduling Conference Re: Trial Schedule for Basin-Wide Issue 5 (Conjunctive Management) (91-00005, Basin-Wide Issue 5, Conjunctive Management General Provision)(Issued April 28, 2000)
Notice of Scheduling Conference Re: Trial Schedule for Basin-Wide 5-34 Issues (91-00005-34, Basin-Wide Issues, Basin 34)(Issued April 28, 2000)
Court's Motion to Correct Clerical Error Contained in Season of Use Provision, I.R.C.P. 60(a); Notice of Hearing on Court's Motion to Correct Clerical Error (91-00005-34, Basin-Wide Issue, Basin 34 - Season of Use)(Issued April 28, 2000)
Order Appointing Special Master Cushman as Settlement Facilitator for Remaining Basin-Wide Issues 5-34 (91-00005-34, Basin-Wide Issues, Basin 34 - General Provisions except Conjunctive Management)(Issued April 28, 2000)
Order Designating Subcase for Proposed General Provisions in Basin 65, Irrigation & Other, Part I (65-99999-A)(Issued April 28, 2000)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge; Order Denying Motion to File Amicus Curiae Brief; Order of Recommitment to Special Master Cushman (Subcases 55-10288 A & B, et al)(Issued April 25, 2000)
Order Vacating Hearing on Motion for Permissive Appeal; Finding that Nez Perce Tribe Can Appeal as a Matter of Right; Granting Motion for Permissive Appeal in the Alternative(Issued April 17, 2000)
Order Resetting Public Information Meeting(Issued April 10, 2000)
Order Resetting April Status Conference(Issued April 10, 2000)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge; Order Correcting Clerical Errors in Record; I.R.C.P. 60(a); Order of Recommitment to Special Master Cushman (Subcases 32-11171, et al.)(Issued March 31, 2000)
Response to United States' Motion for Status Conference and Order on Nez Perce Tribe's Motion to Set Aside all Decisions, Judgments and Orders on Instream Flow Claims Entered in Consolidated Subcase 03-10022 by Judge R. Barry Wood, and Motion to Disqualify Judge Wood (Subcase 03-10022)(Issued March 23, 2000)
Notice Setting "View of Premises" Field Trip (Subcase 91-00005-34, Basin-Wide Issues in Basin 34)(Issued March 17, 2000)
Supplemental Disclosure Pursuant to I.R.C.P. Rule 40(d)(2)(A)(2) (Consolidated Subcase No. 03-10022, Nez Perce Tribe Off-Reservation Instream Flow Claims)(Issued February 28, 2000)
Notice of Hearing (91-00005-57)(Issued February 15, 2000)
Notice of Hearing (91-00005-36)(Issued February 15, 2000)
Disclosure Pursuant to I.R.C.P. Rule 40(d)(2)(A) (Consolidated Subcase 03-10022, Nez Perce Tribe Off-Reservation Instream Flow Claims)(Issued February 11, 2000)
Order Granting Motion for Scheduling Order (Consolidated Subcase No. 03-10022, Nez Perce Tribe Off-Reservation Instream Flow Claims)(Issued February 11, 2000)
Order Dismissing Notice of Challenge and Recinding Scheduling Order (Subcase 36-00039D)(Issued January 28, 2000)
Order Denying Motion for Attorney's Fees (Subcases 57-10486 et al)(Issued 1/28/2000)
Order Requiring Supplemental Report ("706 Report") from IDWR on Certain Issues in Basin-Wide Issue 5-34; I.R.R. 703, 705, 706, I.C. Section 42-1412(4) AND Order Appointing Special Master Cushman as Settlement Judge for "Separate Streams" Issue (Subcase 91-00005-34)(Issued 1/27/2000)
Order on United States' Motion to Alter or Amend Judgment or Alternatively for an Evidentiary Hearing (Consolidated Subcase No. 03-10022, Nez Perce Tribe Claims)(Issued 1/21/2000)
Order on Motion to Stay Proceedings Pending Appeal (Consolidated Subcase No. 03-10022, Nez Perce Tribe Claims)(Issued 1/21/2000)
Second Amended Second Round Service Order (Issued 1/14/2000)
Second Amended Plan for Second Round Service in the SRBA (attached to 1/14/2000 Order)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge; Order on State of Idaho's Motion to Dismiss Claimant's Notice of Challenge (Subcase 36-08099, River Grove Farms)(Issued 1/11/2000)
Order on State of Idaho's Motion for Reconsideration and/or Motion for Clarification (Subcases 36-00003A et al.)(Issued 1/11/2000)
Order Re: Relationship of Subcases, i.e., Motion to Designate "Test Cases" and Motion to Designate Basin-Wide Issues or in the Alternative, Motion to Participate (Issued 1/11/2000)
Order on Challenge (Consolidated Issues) of "Facility Volume" Issue and "Additional Evidence" Issue (Subcases 36-02708 et al)(Issued 12/29/99)
Amended Order Setting Deadline For IDWR To File Direct Testimony And Setting Initial Hearing On Basin-Wide Issue 5 On Remand-Conjunctive Management (Issued 12/17/99)
Order Setting Initial Hearing on Basin-Wide Issue 5 on Remand - Conjunctive Managment Snake River Basin-Wide (Issued 12/03/99)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge; Order Granting State of Idaho's Motion for the Court to take Judicial Notice of Adjudicative Facts; Order of Recommitment With Instructions to Special Master Cushman (Subcases 36-00003A et al)(Issued 11/23/99)
Order on Motions to Strike, Motion to Supplement the Record and Motions for Summary Judgment (Nez Perce Consolidated Subcase 03-10022)(Issued 11/10/99)
Judgment Granting Motions for Summary Judgment (Nez Perce Consolidated Subcase 03-10022) (Issued 11/10/99)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Joyce Livestock 57-10486, 57-10487, 57-10487A & B, 57-10922)(Issued 10/06/99)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Subcases 36-00061 et al, Morris)(Issued 9/27/99)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Clear Lakes Trout/Clear Springs Foods)(Issued 7/9/99)
Memorandum Decision and Order on Challenge (Big Lost River Water Users)(Issued 4/27/99)
Memorandum Decision Granting State of Idaho's Motion for Summary Judgment (Deer Flat)(Issued 12/31/98)
Memorandum Decision Denying the State of Idaho's Motion for Summary Judgment (Organic Act Claims Consolidated Subcase 63-25243) (Issued 12/21/98)
Scheduling Order (Nez Perce Claims Consolidated Subcase 03-10022)(Issued 12/21/98)
Order of Mediation and Appointment (Nez Perce Claims Consolidated Subcase 03-10022)(Issued 12/21/98)
Order Denying Challenges and Adopting Special Master's Reports and Recommendations (Subcase 72-15929C)(Issued 9/30/98)
Memorandum Decision Granting, in Part, and Denying, in Part, the United State's Motion for Summary Judgment on Reserved Water Rights Claim (Sawtooth National Recreation Area Consolidated Subcase 65-20766)(Issued 9/15/98)
Memorandum Decision Granting, in Part, and Denying, in Part, the United States' Motion for Summary Judgment on Reserved Water Rights Claims (Wild & Scenic Rivers Claims Consolidated Subcase 75-13316)(Issued 07/24/98)
Order Denying Motion to Alter or Amend (Amended Order on State's Motion for Summary Judgment) (BLM Stockwater Claims in Basin 72)(issued 4/15/98)
Order Granting, In Part, and Denying, In Part, Motion For Reconsideration and Clarification (Cranney Bros)(issued 3/20/98)
Order on Motion and Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment (BLM Stockwater Claims in Basin 72)(issued on 2/6/98)
Partial Final Consent Decree Determining the Rights of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes to the Use of Water in the Upper Snake River Basin(Fort Hall Agreement)(Issued 8/2/1995)
1990 Fort Hall Indian Water Rights Agreement
           Exhibit A (Proposed Order Dismissing Claims)
          Subcases: See Attached Exhibit A)
          Exhibits to Disclosure
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